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coordonnées clés pour Pontié
Numéro de téléphone
05 63 54 16 34
affaires Email
Heures d'ouverture
Lundi - Dimanche: 08:00 - 14:00
Place du Vigan, Albi, 81000

0 Avis des clients
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Nouveau profil

restaurant, restaurant albi, restaurant place du Vigan, pontié Albi, pontié, pontier Albi, pontier,
Since 1782, Le Pontié has been welcoming you to the heart of Albi to help you discover home-cooked cuisine made on the spot with products from the region.

  • Nouveau profil

    restaurant, restaurant albi, restaurant place du Vigan, pontié Albi, pontié, pontier Albi, pontier,
    Since 1782, Le Pontié has been welcoming you to the heart of Albi to help you discover home-cooked cuisine made on the spot with products from the region.